Diversity in the job market

5 December 2022Up Stories
 Diversity in the labor market

The human being has always felt the need to create and improve his living conditions. The result of this need is work. By work we mean the conscious material or spiritual effort of human that his ultimate goal is the satisfaction of his material and spiritual needs. Work is a right and choice of everyone. Working people have a key place in the history of the economy, because without them there would be no "work" out there. All the basic needs (food, clothing) as well as the secondary ones (entertainment), are ensured by practicing a profession.

What is company culture?

Let’s talk more about the term company culture, though. Company culture is a system of shared values, beliefs, principles, concepts, which compose a common mental frame of reference that determines how people think and behave. It, basically, is a set of guiding beliefs, perceptions and ways of thinking that are embraced by the members of an organization, and which are taught to new members as correct. Culture represents the unwritten, immaterial and emotional part of the organization. All the above are expressed with rules that determine the decisions and behaviors of individuals and groups in everyday life.

It is, therefore, a vital characteristic, as it gives the members of an organization a sense of organizational identity and creates a commitment to beliefs and values that are greater than them.

Where does an organization's culture come from?

Primarily, the culture of the organization comes from the founder - leader who formulates and implements specific ideas and values that slowly become links, and thus occurs the character of the organization.

The role of a CEO-Manager is significant in the financial survival of a business, especially in today's times when working conditions are more complicated than ever.

In multinational organizations, in fact, it is necessary to form multicultural groups, which will promote understanding between different cultures, as informal channels of communication.

Therefore, the leadership of the company must have the appropriate orientation and accept the existence of different cultural elements. It is, perhaps, important to understand the stereotypes that exist and to try to rationalize the irrational generalizations that stigmatize certain groups of people. Let's not forget that the process of integrating the different groups takes time and is slow, as people tend to resist change. This is why, the leadership should have already designed a comprehensive diversity management program, anticipating possible reactions.

Reasons behind diversity

Considering the specificities of modern enterprises, as well as the cultural diversity that prevails today, it is appropriate to mention the reasons behind the phenomenon that is increasingly developing. Multicultural diversity is expressed as the equal representation of the various clearly culturally distinct groups in a society as a whole. More precisely, they are the groups that represent a caste of people that have some characteristics, differentiated from the typical contracts and standards of business. However, this makes sense, because we are in a world that is changing and is thirsty for spiritual and social advancement.

Businesses today are looking for people with more skills and new ideas to attract their target more easily. It is a fact that the issue of globalization is founded on an age when people and situations have changed radically. So, there is no doubt that through all this mobility, commerce and business are now characterized by cultural diversity, something that previously didn’t exist. This is because it is easier to bring out people with qualifications and special skills, at a time when everyone could promote themselves, on their own.

Hence, the way the quality of life has evolved, not only this reshaping is mandatory, but it is important that all this stems from the need for people to start acquiring and creating skills that now add diversity, even in the workplace.

Diversity as a competitive advantage

In the future, diversity in the workplace may be a key requirement for businesses that want to be competitive, as different ideas can help create new solutions that will help overcome obstacles. For businesses to benefit from the synergy that diversity brings to the workplace, companies need to develop long-term goals and strategies. A long-term strategy recognizes the differences and adopts the encouragement of free thinking among employees.

By incorporating diversity as an asset, companies can be better prepared to face the future. Therefore, as the customers of a business become more diverse, so should its workforce.

But let me suggest something: The effort we make to change our mindsets in accepting diversity, let's not only last 8 hours in the workplace, but let's make it outside of work as well. Perhaps, maybe perhaps, it will "work". 😊

By Athena Nanou, Account Manager of our super team!

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