Welcoming Helena to the Up team

14 March 2022Up team
We welcome Elena to the Up team

We are very happy to welcome Helena to our team! Helena is our new UpFit Project Manager and we are very excited to have her on board! To get to know her a bit better, we asked her a few questions about herself and her first impressions of Up Hellas

What attracted you to Up Hellas?

The vision, the team spirit, and the energy of the people fills the office with passion and dedication.

Which one of our solutions is your favorite?

UpFit. It is innovative but also important for all of us. It gives the opportunity for sports, fitness, relaxation and fun through a network of activities such as gyms, dance schools, padel courts, and even paintball.

What was your first impression of our team in 3 words?

Professionalism, teamwork, progress.

What do we absolutely need to know about you?

I love traveling, trips are never enough! The knowledge and the experience you gain from the world, knowing different cultures and peoples, fill you with prospects that you did not even imagine. They teach you a way of life and thought and fill you with ideas, imagination, and dreams.

Which motivational quote inspires you?

If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.

Your favorite place in Greece?

Crete, I love the people and their culture, the food, the entertainment, the beaches and the mountains. All these have warmth, adventure and history.

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pancakes with chocolate for breakfast, midday, lunch, dinner = 😊

Stay tuned as every week we get to know more Up team members a bit better! _MeetElena.jpg

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