Welcoming Kyriakos to the Up team

3 February 2022Up team
We welcome Kyriakos to the Up team

We are very happy to welcome Kyriakos to our team! Kyriakos is our new Business Developer and we are very excited to have him on board! To get to know him a bit better, we asked him a few questions about himself and his first impressions of Up Hellas

What attracted you to Up Hellas?

The smile, the mood and the vision I saw from the people of the company in the first interviews were things that made me say immediately that I want to become a member of this team.

Which one of our solutions is your favourite?

The application of Up Hellas and its features as well as HeroCorp which gives cashback to cardholders.

What was your first impression of our team in 3 words?

Passion, Vision, Progress

What do we absolutely need to know about you?

I love my professional and personal development very much, that's why I don't stop looking for ways for self-improvement. I love travelling both abroad and in Greece, the most beautiful country in the world! I love history and I'm always searching for documentaries related to it.

Which motivational quote inspires you?

Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.

Your favourite place in Greece?

The place that I have origins from, of course. Neapoli Lakonias/Monemvasia.

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

French fries, of course!!!

Stay tuned as every week we get to know more Up team members a bit better! kyriakosCOVER.jpg

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